Park Passport

El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail TX,LA

Lat, Long: 30.0922964581, -97.3397666725

Designation: National Historic Trail

Explore a diverse array of histories contained within El Camino Real de los Tejas’ 150-year life, including the Spanish struggle to missionize American Indian nations, the growth of cattle ranching in the Mexican period, and the movement for Texan independence and statehood.


Due to the length of El Camino de los Tejas National Historic Trail, be sure to consult local weather sources for the region you'll be visiting. Check out the forecast with the National Weather Service and search for the area you'd like to visit:


You can visit many sites of the El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail over the 2,580-mile historic route that crosses 2 states, and travels into Mexico, to Mexico City.

For more details ›


National Trails Office Regions 6|7|8

Santa Fe, US, 87505

Phone: N/A


Entrance Fees:

Mexican mission stands in the dirtlots of greenery along a river; sunflowers in the foregroundstone house ruins; briliant green grasses and trees on the rightrock indentations in a dry creek with five people walking under cloudstrail segment indentation with leaves in it, trees along the side